Moderated Mediation Process: Probleme bei Interpretation

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Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 08.05.2014, 08:25

Moderated Mediation Process: Probleme bei Interpretation

Beitrag von kelowna »

Hallo, ich habe hier folgenden Output, den ich nicht interpretieren kann. Wer kann mir helfen bei der Aussage, ob selfeffiacy die Mediation von actionplanning zwischen intention und physical activity moderiert?

LG und danke!

Run MATRIX procedure:

************* PROCESS Procedure for SPSS Beta Release 130612 *************

Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.

Model = 7
Y = physical activity
X = Intention
M = actionplanning
W = selfefficacy

Sample size

Outcome: actionpl

Model Summary
R R-sq F df1 df2 p
,4850 ,2352 22,4527 3,0000 219,0000 ,0000

coeff se t p
constant -3,5628 2,2850 -1,5592 ,1204
Intentio 1,6663 ,6232 2,6739 ,0081
selfeffi 1,6041 ,7683 2,0879 ,0380
int_1 -,3547 ,2066 -1,7166 ,0875


int_1 Intentio X selfeffi

Outcome: physical

Model Summary
R R-sq F df1 df2 p
,2906 ,0844 10,1454 2,0000 220,0000 ,0001

coeff se t p
constant -370,6494 127,2682 -2,9123 ,0040
actionpl 46,6140 20,2896 2,2974 ,0225
Intentio 96,1415 38,0342 2,5278 ,0122

******************** DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS *************************

Direct effect of X on Y
Effect SE t p
96,1415 38,0342 2,5278 ,0122

Conditional indirect effect(s) of X on Y at values of the moderator(s)

selfeffi Effect Boot SE BootLLCI BootULCI
actionpl 2,7628 31,9951 13,1531 11,0140 64,7549
actionpl 3,2561 23,8404 10,3191 7,4978 47,2372
actionpl 3,7493 15,6856 13,4305 -,7992 53,6174

Values for quantitative moderators are the mean and plus/minus one SD from mean

******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND WARNINGS *************************

Number of bootstrap samples for bias corrected bootstrap confidence intervals:

Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output:

NOTE: Some cases were deleted due to missing data. The number of such cases was:

------ END MATRIX -----
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